Posts on ‘health’

Healthy Movement: Healthy Mind

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Written by Alexa Rives, MA, LPCC Staff Therapist, Pennock Center for Counseling The interplay between physical health and mental health has been a rising topic in both psychology and medicine, as it can help inform the ways individuals and systems promote healing for more holistic, healthful outcomes. Most recently, the way this has been studied […]



Tuesday, October 25th, 2022

Article by Rian Razo, MA Gratitude is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” With Thanksgiving approaching, it is the perfect time to practice gratitude. The holidays bring on family togetherness and memories. Simultaneously, the holidays can bring on feelings of grief, […]


Why We Need Each Other

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

by Jody Pierce, LCSW, ED As humans, we are born with the innate need to connect and form relationships. Having social connections and healthy relationships help us in every way; emotionally, physically, and cognitively. While eating our vegetables and getting exercise improves our health, building supportive relationships also makes a big difference in our mental […]


Hope: The Wind Beneath Our Wings

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Article by Laura Gutierrez, LPC Moving forward into this new year our most powerful allies are hope and faith. They are key ingredients to resilient living, and both are critical in helping us get through tough times. Hope is the wind beneath our wings that carries us forward through the hard times until we land […]


The Problem with New Year’s Health Goals and Some Tips

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

 Putting pressure on January to start a new health journey is daunting and quite frankly, arbitrary. Anyone can make steps, large or small, starting today to take action to make positive changes. Waiting until January 1st or 2nd can actually trigger people into worse behavior prior to the new year. There is a kind of […]