
Below are some useful articles written by past & present employees.

Let the Good Times Roll

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Written by Jody Pierce, LCSW, ED Kids are so excited about summer and time off from school, but summer can be stressful for parents who may struggle with keeping kids busy or with helping kids adjust to summer camp programs or new babysitters. It’s difficult to balance the need for down time, friend time, and […]


Mental Health Awareness Month

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

Written by Noemi Flores, MSW, SWC Taking care of our mental health is an act of self love. In this month of May where we focus on Mental Health Awareness, may we be reminded that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Below are some recommendations to help you make a […]


You Don’t Have to Stress About Stress

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

Written by Alexa Rives, MA, LPCC Stress – a universal truth that has kept us alive to this day and continues to serve its purpose of getting our attention. Each of us has stressors in our lives that require attention. Some stress may feel big. Some stress may feel small. Some might think they are […]


Nature and Mental Health

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

Written by Jody Pierce, LCSW, ED The old adage, “just stop and smell the roses,” is really great advice as it turns out! Besides slowing us down if we’re harried or our thoughts are running wild, the idea of focusing on and appreciating nature uplifts us emotionally. Doing things that connect us to nature are […]


Let’s Talk About “Pop Psychology”

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

Written by:  Alexa Rives, Intern In today’s modern age it is incredibly easy to access information, much more so than in any previous time in human history. As a result, there are new ways to spread information to innumerable people, and to personally take in seemingly unlimited amounts of data. Consequently, it can be difficult […]


The Tans Will Fade, But Memories Will Last Forever

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

Written by:  Noemi Flores, MSW, SWC Summer is officially less than a month away. The anticipation of longer days, warmer weather, sun bathed skin, and neverending popsicles is almost over. While school age kiddos are excited for a much needed break where they can recharge and unwind, parents are exploring options to engage, entertain, and […]


The Power of Positivity

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Written by Lilly Myers, MSW Intern Positivity is the tendency or practice to be optimistic in life. The tendency to be optimistic in life makes me think of the glass half full or half empty example. Those who see the glass half full are more prone to see the silver lining of a challenging situation […]


Mental Health Crisis: The Growing Need for Accessible, Affordable Care

Tuesday, January 24th, 2023

Article by Rian Razo, MA Imagine this. You haven’t been feeling like yourself for a while now. Days go by and you notice you have been feeling more anxious and stressed. You recently lost your job due to company cutbacks and have lost your insurance. Your family has noticed that you have been irritable and […]


‘Tis the Season

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

by Noemi Flores, MSW, CSW The holiday season is typically perceived as a time of celebration, a time of giving, sharing, and creating traditions. However, for many individuals the holidays can be filled with increased anxiety, stress, grief, and financial pressure. There are numerous reasons why the holidays can feel blue rather than jolly and […]



Tuesday, October 25th, 2022

Article by Rian Razo, MA Gratitude is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” With Thanksgiving approaching, it is the perfect time to practice gratitude. The holidays bring on family togetherness and memories. Simultaneously, the holidays can bring on feelings of grief, […]