Posts on ‘parenting’

Let the Good Times Roll

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Written by Jody Pierce, LCSW, ED Kids are so excited about summer and time off from school, but summer can be stressful for parents who may struggle with keeping kids busy or with helping kids adjust to summer camp programs or new babysitters. It’s difficult to balance the need for down time, friend time, and […]


We’re Back to School! Now What?

Tuesday, July 27th, 2021

Article by:  Jody Pierce, LCSW Pennock Center for Counseling has had an exciting partnership with 27J Schools this year in providing support classes for parents and students to help with the transition back to school. There are many potential challenges that accompany this transition. Children have been home for the summer with free time and […]


Power Struggles and Parenting

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Article by Laura Gutierrez, MA Power struggles occur when grown-ups inappropriately attempt to control children or when children seek control beyond their age and ability. What you probably do not know is that the need for power and attention are both universal and wired into our biological makeup from birth. Your children have an attention bucket and power bucket that needs to be filled out daily in positive age […]


How to Argue in front of Kids

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

It is absolutely okay to argue in front of kids – but within reason and with some boundaries! First, it’s important to understand that if children grow up seeing their parents never argue, then they themselves may become conflict-averse. As we know, you cannot avoid conflict completely, nor is that advisable. So while it may […]


Helping Children Cope with the Threat of Violence

Monday, August 5th, 2019

Written by Hannah Evenson, clinical social work intern It has become clear that gone are the days where we can consider our schools to be the safest space for our children as countless threats of violence seem to happen around the country almost weekly. So what can we do as a community to combat this […]


Easing the transition of a move

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

Easing the transition of a Move   “Home is wherever you are… together.” -Alma Powell Moving can be quite stressful as it triggers the bittersweet memories within us of letting go and moving on. The mixed emotions in saying goodbye and starting fresh and new. Children may be hit hard as they adjust to changing […]


Responding to Acts of Senseless Violence

Monday, March 26th, 2018

by Leslie Larsen, LCSW Take Care of Yourselves First, it is okay for us as adults to have intense feelings following tragic and senseless acts of violence, so find another supportive adult with whom you can share your feelings. Once you have released some of your own upset, you can be less reactive and more […]


Bullying: A Deeper Perspective

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

Article by Laura Amelia Gutierrez, MA October is Bullying Prevention Month, the month we also celebrate Halloween. This is fitting, as Halloween is a holiday that symbolizes the shadowy side of humanity. Sadly, bullying is a human behavior that has proven to have its evolutionary advantages. What advantages you ask? Research done on primates suggest […]


Preventing Teen Suicide

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

Article by Emmy Crouter, MSW It’s hard to ignore the news coverage of teen suicide in our country and in our state of Colorado. Teen suicide is on the rise, according to multiple studies, with a variety of factors being entertained as contributors. Thankfully teen suicide is preventable and there are many things you can […]


Back to School! Strategies to Aid the Transition

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

By Leslie Larsen, LCSW I encourage you to begin taking steps now to help your family transition as smoothly as possible from summer to school. Get Back on Schedule Now is the perfect time to ease your children back into their school-year sleep routine. It is generally recommended that bed time and wake-up time be […]